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One student took a box of chicken to class. Another carried a cell phone co-nversation, and still another whistled loudly every time the professor turned his back.

Reform school? Nope. College.

More and more, professors say they are encountering rude students in their classroom. Many of today's young scholars arrive late, leave early, talk loudlyor take care of personal business such as paying bills during class.

Why are the students behaving badly?

"Because they can,"said Michael Zamora, a University of North Texas sophomore. "A lot of the time, the professors let them get away with it."

Some educators say it's time to reclaim civility in their classrooms-and even start taking some of the blame for bad behavior. They say that rude students are by no means the majority but that one unrudly student can ruin an entire class.

"There's a great deal of mischief going on in the world around them,and young people see it and develop disrespect,"said Dr. Amada, adding that somrtimes students "aren't even aware they are being rude.

Customers on campus

Professors attribute part of the problem to students with short attention spans who expert to be entertained; if they're not having fun, they get angry and disruptive .Educatora also say they are seeing more customer-oriented students, those who come to college expecting to be catered to.

A lot of students feel they can come to class whenever they feel like it and do whatever they want because they 're paying tuition, said Dr. Stacey Jurhree,"I remind them that when I buy a movie ticket, I don't have the right to go into the theater and turn on my radio.”

    发表时间:[ 2013/12/13 ] 浏览次数: [ 3068 ]
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