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 职场英语:自我营销 爱表现也能受欢迎
上一条: 职场英语:让别人在90秒内喜欢上你 下一条: 职场英语:你真的要做个工作狂吗?

There's a fine line between calling positive attention to yourself at work and seeming like a braggart. In the business world, you need to learn how to walk this line or risk limiting your chances of success.


In her new book "The Essentials Of Business Etiquette," Barbara Pachter offers six suggestion to promoting yourself successfully:


1. Be visible


"Get involved at your company. Join any company clubs or activities that interest you. Use the work gym, if there is one. Volunteer for assignments. Offer to make presentations, and volunteer to train others."


There's a simple reason that being visible is important: If you're at the forefront of your boss' mind, he'll think about you when there's an opening in the company. Visibility also makes you seem available and approachable, meaning you'll have more chances to discuss your accomplishments and responsibilities with others.


2. Enter competitions and apply for awards


"A lot of people avoid doing this — they say it’s too self-serving. Yet, winning awards is a way for people who know you, but especially those who don’t know you, to find out about your talents. It builds your credibility. And make sure you promote your successes."


Many of us were taught to be humble so entering competitions and applying for awards seems like we're telling the world we're great. However, in a professional setting, you do have to tell everyone that you're great or they might never know.


3. Post your accomplishments on your social-media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter)


"However, be careful not to mention the same accomplishment over and over. You can overdo it and make yourself sound like a braggart. There is a balance. You must speak of other things, not just about what you do well."


A trick to this is to thank other people for your award on your social media accounts. This way, you're not announcing your accomplishments outright, even though you're mentioning them by thanking others.


4. Have a prepared self-introduction


"You may find yourself in situations in which you have to introduce yourself. Being prepared will allow you to be comfortable speaking about yourself. Make sure you say your full name and add a few brief comments about yourself."


Have your story prepared ahead of time because you'll have to repeatedly tell others this story for the rest of your professional life. Be able to discuss your passions and career goals with confidence.


5. When asked, do tell


"If someone asks you how you are doing at work, it is your opportunity to mention your accomplishments. Without going into too much detail, tell the person about any recent promotions, new projects, additional responsibilities, and so on."


This is also a great time to discuss any new projects or positions you want to try out in the future. This way, you will be remembered if an opportunity does come up.


6. Weave your accomplishments into conversation, when appropriate


"For example, when I talk in seminars about how men tend to interrupt more than women during meetings, I mention comments from my seminar participants in Oman, in the Middle East. These remarks add to the discussion, and they also highlight my international experience."


Always start small and subtle when weaving your accomplishments into conversations. You can ask your boss for help or seek advice from others. This way, you're letting them know what you're working on without actually screaming that you're a superstar.


    发表时间:[ 2013/9/12 ] 浏览次数: [ 3508 ]
上一条: 职场英语:让别人在90秒内喜欢上你 下一条: 职场英语:你真的要做个工作狂吗?
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