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上一条: 国际品牌名称绝妙翻译 下一条: “三十而立 四十不惑”的译法



字面英译:three links

常见释译:three (direct) links (across the Taiwan Straits, namely, link of trade, travel and post); link of trade, travel and post (between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits)

解释说明:若不做解释性增译而是把"三通"照字直译为"three links"的话,估计没有多少外国读者看得懂,恐怕连有些中国人也不懂。"三通"是个概括的说法,特指海峡两岸之间的通商、通航和通邮。新闻翻译要使人一目了然,不可晦涩难懂,需酌情作些解释性增译。上述译文清晰地显示了"三通"的内容。

曾有人把"三通"译作"three exchanges, the exchange of trade, travel and post"。这样译似不妥,一是严格说来,英语中trade这个词所表示的语义本身就是双向的,本身就含有exchange之义。二是"exchange"的词义是"交换"或"交流",与"三通"中的"通"的含义有较大的距离。换言之,用"three exchanges"来译"三通","通"的含义不明显,改译成"three links"或"three direct links","通"字所表示的意义就译出来了。

实证举隅:Mass media here call on Taiwan authorities to take immediate positive steps towards realizing the link of trade, travel and post between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the peaceful reunification of the motherland.


字面英译:the Four Cardinal Principles

常见释译:the Four Cardinal Principles (i.e. adhering to the socialist road, the people's democratic dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought)


字面英译:Five Virtues Family

常见释译:Five Virtues Family (outstanding in such five aspects as law-abiding, diligent study, family planning, domestic harmony, and industrious and thrifty management of the household)

    发表时间:[ 2013/10/27 ] 浏览次数: [ 3284 ]
上一条: 国际品牌名称绝妙翻译 下一条: “三十而立 四十不惑”的译法
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