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上一条: 外国政府提醒国民谨慎前往美国16个城市 下一条: 热词:《反浪费条例》取消“一般公务用车”

        一边看电视选秀节目,一边用手机发微博评论,这种场景大概很多人都经历过吧。在智能时代,眼前摆着两个以上屏幕,并随时互通信息已经是司空见惯的了。这种情形在英语里叫做media meshing。

Media meshingis the activity of using hand-held electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, tablet computers) to make comments or read about a TV program at the same time as watching it.

Media meshing指拿着手机或平板电脑等掌中设备,一边看电视节目,一边在这些设备上对节目发表评论或查看相关花絮,即“媒体结合”。

Media meshers are people who use wireless connections and the handheld devices at their disposal to enhance their viewing experience.

通过掌中设备和无线网络来提升电视节目观看体验的人就叫media mesher。

The term media meshing first appeared around 2005, but hit the spotlight in the summer of 2013, when UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom published a report revealing that one in four British adults regularly use a tablet or other device so that they can comment or read information about the program they're watching. An alternative expression often used to refer to the same concept is second screening. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)

Media meshing这个词最早出现在2005年左右,不过真正被人们注意到却是在2013年夏天,英国通信监管机构Ofcom发布报告称,每四个英国成年人中就有一个人在看电视时会用平板电脑或其他设备发表评论或阅读相关信息。描述这一状况的另一个说法是second screening(第二屏幕)。

    发表时间:[ 2013/12/3 ] 浏览次数: [ 2712 ]
上一条: 外国政府提醒国民谨慎前往美国16个城市 下一条: 热词:《反浪费条例》取消“一般公务用车”
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