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上一条: 英语热词:“创业”用英语怎么说? 下一条: 现代都市的“垂直扩张”



territorial dispute 领土争端

Diaoyu Islands 钓鱼岛

Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社

Shared/common interests 共同利益

Japan-US alliance 日美联盟

cooperation in nontraditional areas 非传统领域合作

confrontational feelings 对立情绪

timely dialogue and negotiations 及时对话和谈判

to achieve a settlement through peaceful means 和平解决问题

crisis management mechanism 危机管控机制

strategically and mutually beneficial relationship 战略互惠关系

pacifist constitution 和平宪法

self-defense forces 自卫队

China-Japan status quo 中日关系现状

bilateral trade 双边贸易

Beijing consensus 北京共识

to break the diplomatic deadlock 打破外交僵局

The interwoven interests of the two countries must be protected; the current unstable relations must be improved; and the worsening situations and possible further deterioration of public sentiment in the two countries must be controlled.


China-Japan Joint Statement 中日联合声明

China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约

To establish a crisis control mechanism and a long-term mechanism to prevent sporadic conflicts or even military conflicts


Viewing history in the right way and learning from past mistakes 正确认识历史、从中汲取教训

    发表时间:[ 2013/11/3 ] 浏览次数: [ 2983 ]
上一条: 英语热词:“创业”用英语怎么说? 下一条: 现代都市的“垂直扩张”
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