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上一条: 现代都市的“垂直扩张” 下一条: 四六级不过网申都过不了 四六级存废争议

        在这个信息量车载斗量的数字时代,每天都要和电脑打交道的我们成日淹没在比特的汪洋中,不免感到身心俱疲,本文要介绍的“比特素养”(Bit literacy)就是教你如何战胜这一压力,学会在数字时代高效轻松地工作的能力与技巧。

Bits - the electronic data that flows in and out of our e-mail inboxes, cell phones, Web browsers, and so on - place a weight on anyone who uses them. Appearing in large numbers as they often do, bits weigh people down, mentally and emotionally, with incessant calls for attention and engagement.


The global economy is full of overloaded workers who are more weighed down, less productive, and ultimately less happy as human beings because of too many bits, and no solution for dealing with them.


The problem can be solved by learning bit literacy, a new set of skills for managing bits. Those who attain these skills will surmount the obstacles of overload and rise to the top of their professions, even as they enjoy a life with less stress, greater health, and more time for family and friends.


    发表时间:[ 2013/11/3 ] 浏览次数: [ 2941 ]
上一条: 现代都市的“垂直扩张” 下一条: 四六级不过网申都过不了 四六级存废争议
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