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上一条: 英语热词:“劳改所”该怎么翻译? 下一条: 被“打入冷宫”的英语:降分不等于“无用”


Forget Gareth Bale and Real Madrid, the biggest unveiling in football this year is Becksistentialism, a new philosophy inspired by David Beckham’s move to Paris.


Described by its creator, Cambridge professor Andy Martin, Becksistentialism is “existentialism, but with a very cool haircut.”


Martin’s concept imagines what would happen if Beckham had been hit by a sudden existentialist crisis after encountering the views of Sartre, Proust and Camus in Paris’ intellectual scene, following his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain. The lecture, to be given at Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas, is based on Dr Martin’s blog: "Becks in Paris".


The blog is based on real and fictional events and characters and imagines Beckham forced to puzzle over the meaning of existence as he plays for PSG. In one entry Beckham realizes: "A saviour. Yes, that’s what I wanted to be. What I still could be. It is not enough to be a great footballer. I have to go and save the world. To spread the gospel of football." (Source: The Independent)


    发表时间:[ 2013/10/28 ] 浏览次数: [ 2726 ]
上一条: 英语热词:“劳改所”该怎么翻译? 下一条: 被“打入冷宫”的英语:降分不等于“无用”
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