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上一条: 语言障碍导致效率低效 致重大损失 下一条: 中外学校差异:出国一年英语反“退化”?

在结束了几个月的产假之后,回归职场的新妈妈们还能享受一段时间的哺乳假。为了方便新妈妈们挤奶,有的单位还专门设置了一间哺乳室,英文说法是lactation room

Lactation room is a room provided by an employer where new mothers can pump breast milk. In the facility, there will be breast pumps and refrigerators where breast milk can be stored.


Mothers need the privacy to express milk, either in a lockable private office or designated lactation room with an electrical outlet and a sink. A national media campaign asks, reasonably enough, if you wouldn't make your kid a sandwich in a public rest room, why would you expect a woman to bottle her baby's milk in one?


In 2007, Oregon became the first state to pass a law requiring companies with more than twenty-five employees to provide "non-bathroom" lactation rooms.


    发表时间:[ 2013/10/20 ] 浏览次数: [ 2288 ]
上一条: 语言障碍导致效率低效 致重大损失 下一条: 中外学校差异:出国一年英语反“退化”?
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